How To Relieve Low Back Pain, Sleep Better, And Kick Inflammation To The Curb
(all from the comfort of your home).
Are you..
  • Fed up with chronic low back aches and pains and scared this might be your new normal?
  • Suffering from sciatica, s.i.joint issues, uncomfortable stiffness, back grumpiness or stress?
  • Worried about the risk or expense of surgery or the undesirable side effects of prescription painkillers?
  • Frustrated that you don’t have the energy and freedom to do the things you love and scared that you’re missing out on life?
Are you..
  • Fed up with chronic low back aches and pains and scared this might be your new normal?
  • Suffering from sciatica, s.i.joint issues, uncomfortable stiffness, back grumpiness or stress?
  • Worried about the risk and expense of surgery or the undesirable side effects of prescription painkillers?
  • Frustrated that you don’t have the energy and freedom to do the things you love and scared that you’re missing out on life?
It’s time to stop living with unnecessary pain.
Hi, I'm Angie Edgson and man, I have been there.

Ten years ago I was pretty concerned about what my future might be if my back didn't improve.  I wasn’t able to sit for any length of time (which meant no more road trips). It hurt to sneeze or cough.  

I was in a bad place. 

I was a yoga teacher who couldn't do yoga or sit for meditation. Not to mention, I couldn't snowboard.

I was freaking out.  

And you don't know what it's like until it happens to you. Friends and family can't understand how much it drains you every day, both energetically and physically.

Doctors told me it was an L5 S1 bulged disc and there was nothing I could do but learn to live with the pain or have surgery.
Hi, I'm Angie Edgson and man, I have been there.

Ten years ago I was pretty concerned about what my future might be if my back didn't improve.  I wasn’t able to sit for any length of time (which meant no more road trips). It hurt to sneeze or cough.  

I was in a bad place.

I was a yoga teacher who couldn't do yoga or sit for meditation. Not to mention, I couldn't snowboard.

I was freaking out.  

And you don't know what it's like until it happens to you. Friends and family can't understand how much it drains you every day, both energetically and physically.

Doctors told me it was an L5 S1 bulged disc and there was nothing I could do but learn to live with the pain or have surgery.
These were not options I felt I could live with.

So I set out on a mission to figure out how to heal my back myself. 

I went to India to seek traditional remedies. I became a certified yoga therapist. I learned and applied so many different techniques. 

My theory was: you never know what is going to be the catalyst for change. I was like a scientist doing an experiment.

It was a slow and gradual journey, but I am so happy to say I am now 100% pain-free. No drugs. No surgery.

Even though some doctors say it isn't possible to regenerate discs, I believed I could do it… and I did!

Before, I felt like my life was on "pause". It was a shadow over everything in my life at that time.

Fast forward to today...  I am unbelievably grateful EVERY DAY to wake up without back pain. I am excited to leap out of bed and see what adventures might unfold. Nothing is holding me back anymore.

That is why I am passionate about sharing what I know works. Each time someone comes to me and tells me how much these techniques have helped them, I feel so happy. 

This is WHY I do what I do.

For 18 years now, I have been guiding others to take back their health.

It's a powerful thing to have your health in your hands and it’s my goal to share these tools and knowledge with as many people as I can so that they, too, can experience relief.

There is a GENTLE and NATURAL way to relieve back pain, sleep better and reduce inflammation?
The Good News...
If your low back is feeling stiff and achy, this is the first “tap on the shoulder” your body is giving you in order to get your attention. 

It is trying to communicate that it needs some help! 

This is the IDEAL TIME to introduce BACK CARE through gentle yoga to prevent your back from developing more serious issues like a prolapsed disc, degenerative disc disease or worse.

As we age, spinal discs begin to dry out. Yoga helps keep our discs plump, juicy and supple.
(Not only that but it has been proven to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, stress, and anxiety.)

If back issues are allowed to enter a more serious (and often painful) phase, it takes even MORE time, effort and patience to come back from that and sometimes, you can't at all. 

Now is the time to do something about it.
How exactly does yoga work to relieve back pain?
There are 3 key ways...
Provides Traction and Decompression

Yoga gently stretches the spine, creating space between the vertebrae, decompressing the discs between each vertebra which can help relieve pressure the discs may be putting on sensitive nerve roots that run along the spinal column,  creating immediate relief.

Builds Core Strength
to Support the Back

Yoga not only decompresses the spine but gently tones core muscles that we use to support the low back and hold ourselves up on our frame, essentially, maintaining the spine in a decompressed state which is a key factor in alleviating back pain.  Core strength is essential.

Increases Circulation and Deep Relaxation

Yoga is an excellent way to increase circulation to the discs so that they receive the oxygen and nutrients necessary for spinal regeneration.
Achieving deeper states of relaxation puts our nervous system into "rest and restore" mode, which promotes healing.

Your body may still be in "protection" mode. Maybe you feel scared to do anything that will make it feel worse.  I hear you. This is why my teaching ALWAYS emphasizes the importance of growing your own ability to feel what your body needs and not push or force anything that doesn't feel right.

Don't worry about going to a public class that may not be appropriate for you or your back.

Enjoy staying in the comfort of your own home in your pajamas and working at the pace that is best for YOU.

Imagine being able to feel better by committing to just TEN MINUTES A DAY. That's all it takes!

If you are thinking "yoga is not for me, I'm not  flexible" or "I am out of shape", know that the practices and techniques I'm providing are designed for you, the complete beginner. 

If you can breathe, you can do yoga.
with Precision Gentle Yoga
Inside this 42day program, I use my 18 years of experience to guide you step-by-step through my proven system for restoring mobility, strength and functional ease to your low back so that you can be pain free and live a life you love.
Inside this 42day program I use my 18 years of experience to guide you step-by-step through my proven system for restoring mobility, strength and functional ease to your low back so that you can be painfree and live a life you love.
This program is for YOU if you …
  • Have stiffness or pain in your low back and can't take it anymore 
  • Are exhausted and fed up with feeling this way
  •  Want to take action to feel better using practical tools and techniques
  •  Just aren't willing to suffer any longer
This program is NOT for you if you…
  • Are looking for a magic "quick fix" pill  
  • Have had a recent injury or surgery
  • Are in very acute stages of back pain that require total rest
  •  Have been diagnosed with a "sequestrated" disc
  • Have stiffness or pain in your low back and can't take it anymore 
  • Are tired of being held back in life because of pain
  • Are exhausted and fed up with feeling this way
  •  Want to take action to feel better using practical tools and techniques
  •  Just aren't willing to suffer any longer
This program is NOT for you if you…
  • Are looking for a magic "quick fix" pill or don't want to put in a little time and effort 
  • Have had a recent injury or surgery
  • Are in very acute stages of back pain that require total rest
  •  Have been diagnosed with a "sequestrated" disc
A Peek Inside the Program...
This program is unique in its depth and comprehensiveness.

You will only learn one new pose each day. 
This gives you a chance to check out how each movement feels when you wake up the next morning.  Your body will tell you "yay" or "nay".

You will systematically move through all the essential elements that contribute to back health: hips, core, hamstrings.

You will learn about body and breath awareness; KEY factors in developing the INTELLIGENCE you need to make informed and safe choices in your practice.

You will learn how to work at your own pace and ability. Instructions are designed specifically with your safety in mind with gentler options and modifications provided so that you can work at your own level and speed. I don't want you doing any more than YOUR body is ready to do. This is necessary to create an environment conducive to recovery.

You will have the practical tools you need to affect change, and you will learn HOW to use them effectively in order to get the MOST out of your investment of time and money.

This program is NOT a quick fix, "one size fits all",  “do these 3 poses and your back will magically be cured” program.

Healing takes time, patience and self-awareness.  It has likely taken your back years to get where it is today so it may take a little time for it to come back. 

You will have to put in a little effort: ten minutes each day.

These short, 10-minute sessions are the key to your success.
  • Sun:   Breath and Body Awareness
  • Mon:  Core Strength
  • Tue:   Mobility and Stretching
  • Wed:​ Back Strengthening
  • Thu:   Psoas/Hip Flexor Stretching
  • Fri:     Hamstrings
  • Sat:    Outer hip/sciatica Stretches
  • Sunday:​        Breath and Body Awareness
  • Monday:        Core Strength
  • Tuesday:        Mobility and Stretching
  • Wednesday: Back Strengthening
  • Thursday:      Psoas/Hip Flexor Stretching
  • Friday:             Hamstrings
  • Saturday:​     Outer hip/sciatica Stretches
You are supported in doing what feels good in YOUR body.  LESS IS MORE.

The old adage: “No pain, no gain” DOES NOT APPLY HERE.
Try a little "taste" with this Mini Precision Practice...
Try a little "taste" with this Mini Precision Practice...
No previous experience or flexibility needed

The program is designed specifically for those who have no experience and/or for those who may have limited mobility or ability so this program is for YOU!  You set the pace and only do what feels good in YOUR body. 

Short practices, just ten minutes a day

Life is busy, I totally get that.
That is why the practices only take ten minutes a day.
You may choose to do more if you want to but ten minutes a day is all it takes to get you progressing at a nice gradual pace.

Easy to follow, safe, detailed instructions

Your safety is my main concern.  I teach you how to progress safely and steadily towards your goal of being pain-free.   Proper alignment of each pose is given with clear and easy to follow precision steps.

                                  What's included?
    • 42 Mini Precision Practices for daily use (around 10 minutes each)
    • These classes break down each pose in detailed alignment to ensure you're doing each pose safely and correctly. Each day introduces one new pose only to test how your body responds to that pose.
    • Six weekly complete practices (around 30 minutes each)
    • At the end of each week, you'll get a longer practice that incorporates all of the new poses from that week. Do these longer practices whenever you have the time or when your back feels like it wants more yoga.
    • Traditional and non-traditional breathing techniques
    • These simple techniques are great for pain relief, relaxation and de-stressing on a cellular level.
    • Gentle poses for stretching AND strengthening the low back
    • Increase your mobility, flexibility, and strength in the spine and core with these exercises.
    • Valuable stretches for opening hamstrings and hip flexors
    • Tight hamstrings and hip flexors can contribute to back pain.  We'll work to release them for more ease.
    • Techniques for deep relaxation
    • Improve your sleep for faster healing.
    • Clear explanations of the mechanisms of natural healing
    • Learn how the nervous system and the vagus nerve play an integral role in the healing process.
    What's included?
      • 42 Mini Precision Practices for daily use (around 10 minutes each)
      • These classes break down each pose in detailed alignment to ensure you're doing each pose safely and correctly. Each day introduces one new pose only to test how your body responds to that pose.
      • Six weekly complete practices (around 30 minutes each)
      • At the end of each week, you'll get a longer practice that incorporates all of the new poses from that week. Do these longer practices whenever you have the time or when your back feels like it wants more yoga.
      • Traditional and non-traditional breathing techniques
      • These simple techniques are great for pain relief, relaxation and de-stressing on a cellular level.
      • Gentle poses for stretching AND strengthening the low back
      • Increase your mobility, flexibility, and strength in the spine and core with these exercises.
      • Valuable stretches for opening hamstrings and hip flexors
      • Tight hamstrings and hip flexors can contribute to back pain.  We'll work to release them for more ease.
      • Techniques for deep relaxation
      • Improve your sleep for faster healing.
      • Clear explanations of the mechanisms of natural healing
      • Learn how the nervous system and the vagus nerve play an integral role in the healing process.
      Total Program Value: $1,289 cad
      Today only $597(cad)!
      Your order is 100% Secured.  Payment plans available.  Email me
      You're Protected With My 100% Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee!
      *NOTE: The price of this program will increase as new materials and features are added. Enroll today to get lifetime access to all future additions & revisions at this low one time price.
      Look for sequences for helping alleviate sciatica, additional yoga nidra & more coming up.
      In this video, I share my little tricks for stabilizing and balancing the sacro-iliac joint so that it can return to its natural state of stability and support.  Pain and instability in the sacrum never feel good.

      ($65 VALUE)
      A short mini practice for relieving tension and stress in the upper back, neck, and shoulders.  Great for a little break at your desk to ease tightness from sitting or working at a computer so you can continue on with your day with ease.

      This is an ancient technique for inducing deep states of rest: YOGA NIDRA. You will sleep better and unwind more easily from stress. Wonderful healing support on your journey and requires no physical movement, just reeeeelaxaaaation. 

      Learn step-by-step how to set up your workstation with proper posture to reduce strain or injury due to long hours of sitting. Stand tall with awareness and sweet alignment and lift properly so that you will never hurt your back again taking your suitcase off the carousel or shoveling snow.
      These simple restorative yoga postures use blankets, pillows or bolsters to support the body in different relaxation poses. So excellent for taking pressure of the low back discs and creating space in the spine which can relieve discomfort. This practice gets your body and brain into "heal and repair" mode.
      In this video, I share with you some ancient hand gestures or mudras that are helpful for relieving back pain and s.i. joint discomfort. They are beautiful because anyone can do them. Even during acute back pain. They create connections in our electromagnetic field that move energy in a way that creates space in certain areas of the body. In this case, the spine.
      A complete list of lifestyle recommendations (some of them coming from as far away as India) that can enhance your journey back to health and help you feel better as quickly as possible. (Follow these and you greatly increase your chances of experiencing relief early on).
      SPINAL ANATOMY 101 ($45 VALUE)
      The "quick and dirty" on spinal anatomy so you can learn more about the working mechanics of your own spine. The more you learn, the more you empower yourself. When we understand what is going on inside our bodies, it helps us to understand what movements to make (or not make) and how to adjust our practice intelligently.

      Total Program Value: $1,289
      Now Only $597 (cad)! 
      *NOTE: This price of this program will increase as new materials and features are added.  When you enroll today, you get lifetime access to all revisions and updates at this low price. 
      Your order is 100% Secured.  Payment plans available.  Email me

      Try it risk-free with our MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
      If you are not happy with the program, email me within 30 days and I will happily refund 100% of your purchase, no questions asked.
      Try it risk-free with our
      If you are not happy with the program, email me in 30 days and I will happily refund 100% of your purchase, no questions asked.
      What clients are saying...
      "I have suffered for 20 or more years with back issues due to multiple car accidents in my early 20’s.  I have tried many forms of therapies. The only one that really helped (going at least every 6 months) was a chiropractor.  Since doing Angie’s “Back to Health Yoga”  4 years ago I have only had to visit a chiropractor once in spring of 2017 due to a slip and fall on the ice.  I can now usually manage my back/neck issues at home with the help of what I learned in the “Yoga for Back Health“ program designed by Angie. Although going for a refresher class is always more enjoyable, it is an absolute treat to be able to do a program at home that has worked wonders for me. So grateful!"
      - Lisa Kasperski

      “Angie’s yoga classes have made a tremendous impact on my overall health, including my back.  Subtle changes became apparent almost immediately and have continued to build over time. It has been truly liberating!”
      - Marnie Freeman

      “OMG this program is so simple and doable for me. I just roll out of bed and do it first thing. My back is happy all through the day. So glad to be out of the discomfort that I was having every day. I feel calmer too. I love it. It is like being in yoga class but I find that I listen to my body better. I want to do something different because my body feels like it, I don't have to worry about what others think and not looking like what everyone else is doing. I get to just do what I need to do for me. Thank you Angie”
      - Elsie Ferguson
      "I have returned to yoga after a 10 year hiatus and arrived stiff and inflexible. My regular classes with Angie are a total pleasure because of her moderation, her deep understanding of the body and her way of making it fun and easy.  Since the back session we did in November 2017, my flexibility and stamina have improved and each week I gain more understanding and appreciation for my whole complex self.  For all of my weekly classes, I roll into the studio happy and excited to see what we are doing and what new skills I have.  Angie is a fabulous curriculum developer and a masterful guide."
      - Therese Laforge

      "Thank you Angie for the sublime yoga retreat this past weekend. Wow. You surpassed all my expectations, dissolved all my fears and gave me many wonderful new practices and learnings. Absolutely loved it!"
      - Cibele Broadbent

      "Just your suggestions when I pulled a muscle in my back greatly improved the pain, I suffer no more. Gentle stretching worked. Thank you!"
      - Jo-Anne Hordal

       "Angie is so supportive, calming and helpful.  Instructions are very easy and clear to understand and there are modifications to make things more gentle where needed.   She is very informative and knowledgeable."
      - Yoga for Back Health Student

      "On the advice of my doctor, I decided to try yoga.  Much to my good fortune, Angie was my instructor.  My first class was stimulating, helpful and relaxing.  I was sold!  Angie is caring, helpful, supportive, and knowledgeable along with a sense of humour.  Thanks to Angie’s classes, I feel more flexible, relaxed and happy."
      - Ferne Chalmers

      "I have numerous injuries due to living a very active lifestyle when I was younger and was very hesitant to try yoga as I thought it meant twisting yourself into a pretzel and that sounded painful!!!
      My friend recommended Angie's gentle and restorative yoga class and I was very pleasantly surprised. No hard poses and she encouraged the use of blocks and bolsters to aid with any injured body parts. I was hooked!!
      Angie has a very soothing voice and that enhanced the calming, gentle portion of the class. I thoroughly recommend her class to anyone with injuries or anyone wanting to try yoga for the first time."
      - Eileen Corea

      "This program gave me a better understanding of how to take care of myself, to listen to my body, how to be kind to my back and how to give myself the gift of time for my well being."
      - Yoga for Back Health Student

      "Well planned out classes suited for everyone's needs and abilities!
      I enjoyed the handouts and how it all flowed together so nicely. Angie is so sweet and an excellent teacher. Thank you, it was more than I had expected!"
      - Karen Harvey

      About Angie Edgson
      I am passionate about empowering others with the practical tools to be able to take care of their back health on their own.

      I am a certified yoga therapist with Integrative Yoga Therapy since 2009. I specialize in tailoring therapeutic yoga programs and making yoga accessible to populations who may not otherwise have access.

      Teaching yoga for 18 years and practicing for 21 years has shaped me into an experienced and intuitive guide.

      I have been developing and teaching gentle yoga for low back health for over eight years.  I have been continuously refining the curriculum based on feedback and client experience to bring you the latest and most comprehensive version of the program.

      All of the information presented in this program is the cumulative result of decades of study, research, and personal experience.

      About Angie Edgson
      I am passionate about empowering others with the practical tools to be able to take care of their back health on their own.

      I am a certified yoga therapist with Integrative Yoga Therapy since 2009. I specialize in tailoring therapeutic yoga programs and making yoga accessible to populations who may not otherwise have access.

      Teaching yoga for 18 years and practicing for 21 years has shaped me into an experienced and intuitive guide.

      I have been developing and teaching gentle yoga for low back health for over eight years.  I have been continuously refining curriculum based on client feedback and experience to bring you the latest and most comprehensive version of the program.

      All of the information presented in this program is the cumulative result of decades of study, research, and personal experience.
      How long do I get access to the materials?

      The program is lifetime access, so you will have access to all the materials to use your entire life, anytime you need it.  This is an amazing feature of this program, actually. As it is ever evolving, new materials and updates will be added to the program ongoingly with the pricing going up accordingly. You have lifetime access to all these new materials as they arrive but still at the introductory offer price today. Yay!

      What is your refund policy?

      I offer a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked. If you are not happy with the program, email me within 30 days at

      How do I view the materials?

      It is all online in digital format. All you need is internet and a device/computer to view the videos. You get instant access to all the materials through an easy login process. 

      I don’t know if I can DO the practices.  I have never done yoga before and I am pretty out of shape and inflexible.

      You do not need to have any yoga experience at all to approach this program. The program is designed with complete newbies in mind. As well, the bonus materials like the yoga nidra, the mudras, restoratives, decompression techniques, body scans, and breathing exercises can be done even if you are in the middle of a flare up as they don't require any physical activity. You can use them anytime to help create the ideal environment for your body to naturally heal itself.

      There is no pressure to perform at any level or do any poses that just don’t feel good for your body. 

      I don't have TIME

      The program is created so that you can do it in just 10 minutes a day and you can do it at HOME. So no commuting to a public class, no parking, no schedule to fit into, no hassle. Even do your practice in your pajamas if you want. Ten minutes daily to take care of your spine is just common sense.

      Is there anyone who SHOULDN'T do this program?

      Yes. If you have a been diagnosed with a sequestered disc issue, this program may not provide relief. Consult with your doctor to rule out any serious back issues that require medical care. Your body will tell you if something feels good or it doesn't. If there is any gentle pose or movement causes discomfort or pain, gently ease out of it and leave it aside for now.
      Are you ready for a change?
      Special Offer Only $597 (cad)! 
      Your order is 100% Secured with our 30 day money back guarantee
      (Including all bonus materials. As more get added in the future, you'll get those too, FOR FREE!)
      Would you like to have a free consultation with me to talk about whether this program would be the right fit for you? Feel free to email me at and we'll set up a call.
      Disclaimer:  I am not a Doctor nor is this a promise to cure your back pain.  This program does not take the place of seeking professional medical care regarding your spinal health.  There is inherent risk with any physical activity so please consult with your doctor before beginning any new physical exercise protocol.  Results will vary according to individual circumstances, effort, consistency and attitude.  I offer up these practical tools and techniques that have worked for many but it is up to you to apply them with intelligence, common sense and consistency, where and when appropriate for you.

      Copyright © 2018 - angie edgson yoga